Vital Information
One of my best friends and I went to the Jazz Kitchen Monday night to see my favorite jazz group, Vital Information. Steve Smith heads the group from behind his drums. He was the drummer for Journey from the late '70s through the mid-'80s. Also in the group are: Tom Coster (keyboards), Baron Browne (bass), and Vinny Valentino (guitar).
I recently traded in my Canon 17-85 EF-S USM for a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 so I wanted to bring the camera along for some low-light test shots. Let me just say that I couldn't be happier! I thought the Canon lens was sharp; I didn't realize how much sharpening I had to do in post-production editing. The images here were all shot handheld at either ISO 800 or 1600, all at 1/45th of a second and wide open (f/2.8) or stopped down one notch to f/4. I've done no sharpening or post-production manipulation other than sizing them for the web. These are straight from Camera RAW to JPEG. For the lighting conditions, I'm impressed with the results.
And here is a 100% crop from one of the shots of Steve's drumkit. Again, no sharpening or manipulation; this is straight from the camera.
I recently traded in my Canon 17-85 EF-S USM for a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 so I wanted to bring the camera along for some low-light test shots. Let me just say that I couldn't be happier! I thought the Canon lens was sharp; I didn't realize how much sharpening I had to do in post-production editing. The images here were all shot handheld at either ISO 800 or 1600, all at 1/45th of a second and wide open (f/2.8) or stopped down one notch to f/4. I've done no sharpening or post-production manipulation other than sizing them for the web. These are straight from Camera RAW to JPEG. For the lighting conditions, I'm impressed with the results.
And here is a 100% crop from one of the shots of Steve's drumkit. Again, no sharpening or manipulation; this is straight from the camera.
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